
Why Silicon Valley?

Sunday 04 December, 2011 at 9:42 pm, by Søren Therkelsen in Blog, Step 3

Of all the places in the world you can go why would you come to this compact, population dense community just south of San Francisco to scale your company?
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Well, there are many reasons. For one, this little place called Silicon Valley is the capital of technology, investments and innovation and it is home to the most developed startup culture in the world. Here startups are king, and there is a specialized support system for building great companies. The following are just some of the reasons why startups thrive and scale in Silicon Valley:
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·      Access to funding; 1/3 of the worlds venture capital and a great number of angel investors
·      An ecosystem of experienced and connected service providers who are specialized in the needs of early stage companies
·      A large base of successful entrepreneurs and executives with hands-on, operational experience, who are still out there to help startups
·      The world’s greatest concentreation of strategic partners and potential exit opportunities
·      A market of early adopter customers who can help you prove and evangelize your business
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Silicon Valley is the epicenter of entrepreneurship. It is the gold standard for best practices for building technology companies – the bar does not get higher than this. This means that you will need all the help you can get, but it also means if you can compete here you can compete anywhere!

I am a spacious text!

Scaling through Silicon Valley, with Gunnar Holmsteinn
I am a spacious text

How do you use Silicon Valley, Torsten Kolind?