Thank you Lene!

After almost 10 years at Innovation Center Denmark, where Lene co-founded SCALEit, she has decided to take a new job at 42 Associates. Lene have worked with literally hundreds of startups, researchers and “mature” companies, had 16 personal interns, each 6 months at a time, ~40 colleagues - and has been the face and backbone for activities for Denmark in Silicon Valley.

Everyone who know Lene, knows how much of an executor she is: programs, introductions, hard-core business development on behalf of others, has been Lene’ job and passion for so many years. Chances are, Lene has helped YOU succeed.

This page is meant as a little “thank you for now” page where you can leave her a personal message. All entries will be handed over to Lene on either a big poster or in some sort of book. Feel free to share a story or just leave your name with a best of luck

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Klaus wrote at March 20, 2015 at 10:01:
Du ønskes et varmt tillykke med dit nye eventyr. Du har gjort et fantastisk arbejde for utrolig mange mennesker og jeg ser frem til mange flere stunder med dig! Du er et fantastisk menneske!
Jacob Nedergaard wrote at March 16, 2015 at 15:10:
Hi Lene, You are and will continue to be the Danish startup flagship and hub in the bay. You network and humble approach is a great asset for any company who wants to tap into Silicon Valley. All the best with you new adventure. Jacob ps. when do you host the housewarming party in your new office:)
Dan Nielsen wrote at March 15, 2015 at 17:31:
Tillykke og held og lykke fremover Lene!
Niels Kvaavik wrote at March 15, 2015 at 02:12:
Hi Lene - I remember first meeting you just when ICDK had just gotten started back in 2006. You have always been extremely helpful and resourceful. Although it is a great loss for the Danish government to have to see you go it is VERY exciting for you to move on to new ventures. Well done and very well deserved.
Dennis Kayser wrote at March 15, 2015 at 01:31:
Hej Lene Tillykke med de nye udfordringer! Det bliver superspændende. Tusind tak for al din hjælp og dit input igennem tiden. Jeg giver et kald næste gang jeg er i SF /dennis
Morten Bay wrote at March 15, 2015 at 00:47:
Øvøvøvøv og hurraaa! Det første for alle os, der ikke længere får glæde af at arbejde sammen med dig, og det sidste fordi dit liv nu tager en ny og spændende drejning, som med garanti byder på fantastiske oplevelser og erfaringer. Vores sporadiske samarbejder har været både en ære og fornøjelse set fra denne side af skrivebordet. Al mulig lykke og held fremover sendes her fra Silicon Beach. Vh Morten
Daniel S R wrote at March 14, 2015 at 09:55:
Lene, for the team in New York, you were always a fantastic resource for ideas, connections, inspiration and cooperation. What comes to mind is the old Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quote: "No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." You've helped an avalanche of Danish entrepreneurs succeed in the US, and I hope you know what a positive impact you've made. Best of luck in your new venture!
Morten Storgaard wrote at March 14, 2015 at 08:53:
Hej Lene Stort tillykke, og tak for dit store arbejde og dybe engagement med os på ScaleIT sidste sommer. Du var 100% på selvom det lige ramte oveni en slem forkølelse - dedication! God vind videre VH Morten
Emil Lykke Jensen wrote at March 14, 2015 at 02:02:
Stort tillykke med det nye job Lene! Det var en fornøjelse at arbejde sammen med dig i ICDK. Håber vi ses et sted derude - take care
Henriette Jakobsen wrote at March 14, 2015 at 01:47:
Hej Lene, Hvem vidste du stadig ville være her efter 10 år ...nød vores sushi frokoster sammen da vi startede i Silicon Valley. Held og lykke ...må prøve at mødes næste gang vi kommer til SF. Kærligt Henriette
Adiba wrote at March 13, 2015 at 23:07:
Dear Lene, you have among many other things been instrumental in driving Danish innovation in Silicon Valley and gathering the Nordics under one umbrella. Thank you!! Many congrats on the step to join 42, they're lucky to have you! I wish you all the best and I'm sure will see you around soon. Kram/Adiba
Nick Hawtin wrote at March 13, 2015 at 17:41:
Dear Lene Thank you so much for all you've done. It's been great to have a safe pair of hands in Silicon Valley to point Danish Startups towards when they wanted to go west. Like many other, I can't wait to hear what you're going to do next and I'm sure that whatever it is, you are going to rock at it. Go, go, go! Nick
Camilla Rygaard-Hjalsted wrote at March 13, 2015 at 16:04:
Lene, I am super proud of you making such a meaningful move to 42A. They are lucky to get someone with intense knowledge of what it takes to enter the Valley from Europe and create growth. I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy the ride in the non-governmental world.
Christian wrote at March 13, 2015 at 09:47:
Dear Lene, Thank you for your amazing job here in the valley. On the behalf of Be My Eyes team I would like to give you a humongous hug and a virtual high five! The SCALEit program has been a game changer for our company and for me personally. I wish you all the very best on your future adventure /Christian
Heini Z. wrote at March 13, 2015 at 06:44:
Lene, congrats on the new job, it has been a pleasure working with you, we will miss you especially when all the royals come and visit Thanks Heini.
Alex Portilla wrote at March 12, 2015 at 22:05:
Lene, It is incredible to think about everything you have accomplished in your time at ICDK, Your contributions to the innovation ecosystem in both DK and the Valley are unmatched. Countless companies have received your sage advice and benefited from your immense network on their way to success. You have played a key role for so many. And you have been an inspiration to so many as well including me. Congratulations on the new gig and good luck!
Bent Hessen-Schmidt wrote at March 12, 2015 at 21:21:
Lene, congratulations with the new opportunity. You will be truly missed here at Innovation Center Denmark. You have since it started been the inspiration and driving force behind the center. We and Denmark owes you lots of thanks for many great years.
Jorg van der Ham wrote at March 12, 2015 at 20:55:
Hi Lene, sounds like an awesome new opportunity. I'm sure you'll continue doing inspiring things. All the best and I hope to stay in touch!
Marie Gørvild wrote at March 12, 2015 at 20:11:
Congrats on a great opportunity. Only the best for the best. Not at all done learning start-up tricks from you. Happily looking forward to continuing our talks on innovation, and anything but, in the future. Thanks for your endless support, hard work and dedication. You are one in a million, chica!
Robin Daniels wrote at March 12, 2015 at 20:01:
Hejsa Lene, I can't believe you are going, but I've loved working with you. You have a great attitude and you're super smart. You'll be missed, but I'm sure you'll go on to do great things!!! Hugs, Robin
Christian Hansen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 19:41:
Hi Lene, Thanks for helping out me and other entrepreneurs get started in Silicon Valley. Good luck!
Rasmus Bjerngaard wrote at March 12, 2015 at 19:02:
How can you do this to us, Lene!? Thanks for all your work and the best of luck going forward. Rasmus
Lars Beer Nielsen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 18:43:
Kære Lene Uden at blive alt for højtravende skal der lige lyde en stor TAK fra Danmark, fordi du har gjort så uendeligt meget over 10 år for at hjælpe danske opstartsvirksomheder. Du er utrættelig og giver så meget mere end du beder om at få igen. Derfor er du også en fantastisk kollega. Tak for 3.5 fantastiske år med suverænt godt samarbejde. Held og lykke og vær stolt af din indsats! Kh Lars
Anne Worsoe wrote at March 12, 2015 at 18:18:
Dear Lene, You totally ROCK! Thank you for a wonderful collaboration through the last 4 years. Nordic Innovation House would never have happen without our dream team
Julie Juel wrote at March 12, 2015 at 17:49:
Lene, you are always a great source of inspiration! Including when you are running, around your kids, on the dancefloor and in the waves at OB. But especially always helpfull and inspiring at ICDK. Best to you. Stay in touch. Hugs all the way from Julie Juel/Tanzania
Sarah Bay wrote at March 12, 2015 at 17:41:
A big congrats with your new venture dear Lene! Having worked with you at ICDK I know firsthand how lucky 42 Associates are to have you on board. You’ve helped countless entrepreneurs realizing their dreams here in the Valley and I for one look forward to follow all your awesome achievements going forward at 42 Associates Kærlig hilsen Sarah
Bodil Jorgensen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 17:33:
Lene, all the best in your new venture with 42 Associates. You will be very successful, I have no doubt. They are lucky to have you on board. It was a true pleasure to work with you at ICDK. You were always an inspiration and someone to rely on in challenging times. See you again soon!
Henrik Scheel wrote at March 12, 2015 at 17:32:
Lene, You're awesome! Since first day I met you (when I arrived as an intern at ICDK) you've been an inspiration, a phenomenal colleague and a great friend. I admire your work ethics and positive attitude and I look forward to staying in touch over the years to come. There is no doubt that you're gonna kick ass at 42A - they're lucky to have you! - Henrik
Lasse Chor wrote at March 12, 2015 at 17:26:
Dear Lene, No doubt about how your efforts have contributed to the Danish startup ecosystem in an amazing way! You've been instrumental to the success of many adventurous Danish entrepreneurs! YOU ROCK! Best of luck in your new job Kindest regards Lasse Chor
Thor, Champion wrote at March 12, 2015 at 17:22:
Thanks for your help while lost in SF. Best Of luck with your new ventures.
Emilie Bjørnsen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 17:16:
Søde Lene; you go gUrl!!!! Congratulations on your new job, you are gonna rock that show. I wish you all the best, pøj pøj xoxo Emilie
Laura Forné Elkow wrote at March 12, 2015 at 17:15:
Søde Lene, thank you so much for all the amazing experiences! I had the best time being your intern at ICDK. 42 is really really lucky to get you on board - I wish you the best of luck!
Martin B. Justesen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 17:11:
Great job, Lene! Let me know if I can help you. Enjoy and see you! Best! Martin
Monika Luniewska wrote at March 12, 2015 at 17:08:
Thank you for accepting me to ScaleIt. Good luck with your new venture!
Søren Plaugmann wrote at March 12, 2015 at 17:05:
Dear Lene Thank you for all the wonderful support you've provided to ScaleIt and to us from Naboor. Best wishes and stay in touch - Søren and the Naboor team
Torsten Kolind wrote at March 12, 2015 at 16:35:
Lene, you have been ICDK to most of us. All the way from Day 1. I hope you get some sort of Order or Medal from the Queen some day for tireless service to our country
alex farcet wrote at March 12, 2015 at 15:47:
don't do it! we need you too much all the best Lene, you are a star!
Carsten Jarfelt wrote at March 12, 2015 at 15:05:
You are the one who "imported me" to the US years ago and I will never forget that trust and belief you show in others and their ideas/products/crusades! I am sure you are about to go from Zero to One in your new adventures....and don't worry - I will sneak peak now and then, as to see how you are doing
Peter Vesborg wrote at March 12, 2015 at 14:53:
Dear Lene, Thanks for a great and rewarding experience at scaleit two years ago! The force will be with you. Always!
Henrik Rosendahl wrote at March 12, 2015 at 14:51:
Lene, you have truly inspired and helped so many people pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. It's time for you to go and pursue yours....wish you all the best. H
Henrik Bennetsen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 14:50:
Just read through all the entries here and was moved by the outpouring of love. What an incredibly just testament to the kind of person you are; also especially since you're someone who never toots her own horn. I loved working you and still miss it. I was thinking about what best summed you up and kept coming back to O'Reilly's: "Create more value than you capture." I hope we stay in close touch.
Tom Pai wrote at March 12, 2015 at 14:50:
Congratulations, and very best wishes for your new adventure!
Victor Veloso wrote at March 12, 2015 at 14:27:
Dear Lene, thanks for all the great work helping start-ups understand and navigate in the entrepreneurship waters! Wish you all the best going forward. V
Cathrine wrote at March 12, 2015 at 14:26:
Congratulations, Lene! It's hard to imagine ICDK without you. I wish you the best of luck and success in your new job!
Sara Naseri wrote at March 12, 2015 at 14:12:
Kæreste Lene - it has been a pleasure getting to know you! Always friendly and smiling and full of energy! The best of luck at the new job - you will undoubtedly be awesome! Hope to see you soon again!! Hugs hugs hugs
Allan wrote at March 12, 2015 at 13:38:
Dear Lene. Despite a short time of interacting via Scaleit november 2014 - I learned your dedication and great Work. And can only acknowledge your Work - and wish all the best in your future endeavours.
Bill Reichert wrote at March 12, 2015 at 13:29:
Thanks Lene! We will miss you! All the best at your new gig!
Soren louis wrote at March 12, 2015 at 10:11:
Congratulation Lene on your new business life voyage, I feel very privileged having had your expertise helping Libratone and me in Silicon Valley, and your guidance and personal involvement will always stand as one of the reasons for our achievements in US. Great new opportunity and will continue to build our relation forward.
LasseLasse wrote at March 12, 2015 at 10:08:
Hi Lene Though many seems sad to see you go, we are excited about the opportunities that you will find in the future. Best of luck to you at 42 Associates Team nSales
Martin Johansson wrote at March 12, 2015 at 09:35:
Best of luck with your new endeavors - Thanks for showing us some of the road ahead
Babar from WriteReader wrote at March 12, 2015 at 09:24:
Dear Lene, I wish you the best of luck in future. Thanks for all your help and support and for making what ScaleIT is today. All the best Br Babar
Anders Colding-Jørgensen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 09:20:
Dear Lene. When I made my very first trip to SV, you were the first person to invite me for coffee and give me a warm and friendly welcome - a home away from home. Later on, when I joined ScaliIT, you (and Søren) gave me one of the best experiences in my professional life. You are a fighter and a gift to everyone who will have the good fortune to work with you. Congratulations to 42 and may succes continue to be with you.
Mikkel Meldgaard wrote at March 12, 2015 at 09:03:
Dear Lene. Congrats on the new job, it sounds super interestering! Your positive spirit and can-do attitude will always bring you in a situation of deepest respect for your person and your work. Good luck and looking forward to see you succeed.
Anders Laustsen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 08:45:
Dear Lene. First of all congrats on the new job - it sounds super interesting! You made us feel at home on ScaleIt and I feel that you are always willing to meet and help - really appreciate that. And thanks a lot for helping us getting started in SF! Wish you the best of luck and I am sure we will meet again
Louise Opprud Jakobsen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 08:36:
You are a superstar dear Lene - making such a huge difference for so many people, many more than you´d think Im very sure! Excited to follow the next adventure. Much love Louise
Imran wrote at March 12, 2015 at 08:25:
Dear Lene - always friendly, smiling and helpfull - that's how I've come to know you. Hope your new job bring you tons of joy and success. Best, Imran
Thomas wrote at March 12, 2015 at 07:54:
Kære Lene, Thanks for a great experience with Scaleit a while ago. It had a great impact on our company and even more on a personal level. Thank you for that. All the best, Thomas.
Martin wrote at March 12, 2015 at 07:45:
Lene! All good things must come to an end - for even better things to begin! Thanks for all your help, patience and the best company in SF! Martin
Burton Lee wrote at March 12, 2015 at 07:34:
Dear Lene, just learned this evening from Soren at the NIH opening that you have departed ICDK-SV to build a new company in SF and DK focusing on building bridges to SV for established companies in the Nordic Region. Wow, congratulations!! Its an excellent space to be in, and we identified this also as a major gap for German companies at the German Accelerator. Thank you for all your support and engagement with Stanford over the past 7 years, its been a delight to work with you and know you. You have been a cornerstone of excellence at ICDK-SV for so many years. I look forward to staying in touch! Burton
Ken Madsen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 07:05:
Dearest Lene, It's funny how some people only physically are a part of ones life for a short period of time, yet has such a pronounced effect on the future. I can truly say, that the two weeks I and the team had the opportunity to be with you at scaleIT has been instrumental for our journey! I wish you all the best of luck, energy, power and kickassomeness, Ken, DXTR Tactile
Jakob wrote at March 12, 2015 at 06:32:
Kære Lene, Best of luck in your new adventure. Thank you for being part of our decision to going West and the opening of our office in Palo Alto! Cheers, The ARPEDIO Team
Thomas Madsen-Mygdal wrote at March 12, 2015 at 06:00:
Thanks for all the coffees and for giving hope for what government can be. God luck with the new adventure.
Fadi Bishara wrote at March 12, 2015 at 05:54:
Best of luck with the new chapter Lene. Thank you for the great work you did to help entrepreneurs realize their full potential and never forget that: Danes are F***ing awesome!
Johan Brenner wrote at March 12, 2015 at 05:35:
Lene, big loss fpr Danish innovation house and Scale It that you are moving on. Scale it is a high quality incubator and we have enjoyed interacting with many of the companies coming out of the program. We even invested in Planday. Good look and thanks. Johan and the Creandum team.
Jette Williams wrote at March 12, 2015 at 05:22:
Dear Friend, In leaving ICDK take this with you. You have been a true inspiration to that every guest , Scaleit member , costumer, incubator or coworker who set foot at ICDK . Your ambitions and visions have meshed innovation with success for many startups. Best of luck in your new adventure , as you deserve it
Benny Madsen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 04:11:
Dear Lene, I am both sad and happy to see you leaving ICDK. Life is about continued pursuit of adventures. You have been instrumental in creating many successes such as ScaleIT. I have sincerely enjoyed working with you through many activities and hosting various events at LitePoint. You really moved the needle at ICDK. I know you will be a great contributor in your next venture. I am glad to see you continue to pursue your ambitions. I wish you the best of successes in your new venture. Bon voyage! Benny
Shomit Ghose wrote at March 12, 2015 at 03:56:
Will greatly miss working with you at ICDK, Lene. You're truly the best! Wishing you much success and happiness in your life, and look forward to keeping in touch.
Brian Mellea wrote at March 12, 2015 at 03:42:
Good luck and stay focused on the revenue! Hope to see you if you ever are free! My best!
Christian Vinther wrote at March 12, 2015 at 03:40:
Kære Lene I feel very lucky to have worked with you during two different periods at ICDK. It has been a great experience to follow you from the start when SCALEit was created and how it has grown throughout the years. You have facilitated so many great opportunities for Danish entrepreneurs here in the valley, which you can be very proud of! You will truly be missed at the center but I wish you the very best in your new job. I’m looking forward to working with you in the future. Kærlig hilsen Christian
Michael Heltzen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 03:40:
Congrats Lene! You have been a great help to a lot of people - myself incl. - and I am sure all of your paying forward will help you in your new job
Toke Kruse wrote at March 12, 2015 at 02:59:
Hi Lene! Thank you for being such an extraordinary help. Even before we finally got here more than three years ago you were there as a great helping hand! I wish you the best luck with your new challenge! Toke
Michelle Messina wrote at March 12, 2015 at 02:37:
Lene, You have been instrumental in making alot happen between SV & DE the past 7 yrs. Glad we saw one another on this past Monday and will reach out for coffee or lunch soon!
Sunil Maulik wrote at March 12, 2015 at 02:36:
Congrats Lene! You did a fantastic job at ICDK and I know you will be sorely missed. All the best in your new venture.
Søren Therkelsen wrote at March 12, 2015 at 01:38:
Kære Lene, we have been through quiet a lot together, and I have learned so much - not least from you. You have brought a ton of value to not only Denmark - but to the valley - you understand the game better than anyone. I have seen how much your smiling person cares for the success of others, and I truly wish you the best success imaginable at 42. You have always been our teams true rockstar, and knowing how we ping, I have no doubt we will do more great business together. Videre! Store knus Søren