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SCALEit IT Track

In December, we will be carrying out our 5th SCALEit Ignite with a focus on promising early stage IT companies in Denmark. From experience we know that Silicon Valley is without doubt the place to be for IT companies, being a hotbed for scaling your technology. We have had great success with our previous IT programs, and combining this with the fact that technology and entrepreneurs from the nordic region in Europe is very hot in the valley, we can't wait to leverage this potential and help even more Danish companies SCALE. 

We are currently looking for IT companies for our SCALEit Ignite, December 2-6, 2013. 

What do we consider IT?  

In the SCALEit Ignite IT program we use the term “IT” in the broadest sense, covering from software to hardware. 

The region of Silicon Valley is home to many of the world’s largest technology corporations and thousands of up-and-coming start-ups. Silicon valley is today still regarded as the leading hub for breakthrough IT innovation and development, and many consider Silicon Valley as the history of digital technology. It was in Silicon Valley that key technology and companies like Apple, Google, HP, Oracle and Facebook saw the light of day. 

In Silicon Valley one contentiously see new markets form around disruptive technologies and services, which allows more and new companies to cater these markets. IT is the greatest example of this, and will continue to be so. With more than 2 billion people around the world using broadband Internet – markets within in this industry is global and highly attractive. In order to harvest this potential, Silicon Valley is without doubt the place to be for, being a hotbed for scaling your technology by attracting investment from venture capitalists, meeting potential business partners and mingling with other techies.

Investment in IT?  

Silicon is by far the region in America where the largest amounts of investments are being made. The largest part of these investments are being directed into IT, with software and IT services being the biggest industries.

In the last quarter of 2012 $2089 million was invested in software and $380 million in IT services.

We would love to talk with you

Lene Sjorslev Schulze

Co-founder of SCALEit & Deputy Director at Innovation Center Denmark

US:+1 415 812 6646
Mail: [email protected]
Skype: 'lsjorslev'

Henrik Bennetsen

Director of Health ICT at Innovation Center Denmark

US:+1 415 418 4042
Mail: [email protected]
Skype: 'HenrikBen'

Søren Therkelsen

Co-founder of SCALEit & founder of

US: +1 415 702 8935
DK: +45 2536 1620

Mail: [email protected]
Skype: ''